Fume Spot Extractor Arm

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Fume Spot Extractor Arm

Product Detail


The Fume Spot extractor arm is mainly used in a chemical environment, where the working processes couldn’t possible in the fume cabinet and can develop disturbing fumes, aerosols, and bad smells.

Fume spot extraction is used in various industrial applications like – Chemical Labs, Pharmaceutical labs, R & D Labs, and Production areas where dust and fumes are generated.



Material of Construction :

  • • Polypropylene (PP)
  • • Aluminium (AL)

Accessories & Others :

  • • Swivel @ 360 degrees.
  • • Adjustable & Removable knobs are provided at every joint of the extractor for smooth working.
  • • ON/OFF Damper valve provide at the extractor dome.
  • • Extractors can be mounted on the ceiling and on the wall.